Claire presented to 57 staff from 12 schools, sharing the principles and practices that underpin teaching in the outdoors. Claire's passion and enthusiasm was contagious, leaving participants eager to experience nature inside, outside and beyond.
On the second day, Claire was reunited with the delegates from last year's tour. The group spent the day sharing their successes and brainstorming the way forward. Claire was able to offer some much welcomed guidance and inspiration to the group - participants left the session ready and excited to kick things up a notch at their schools.
AISWA looks forward to continually supporting the 2012 delegates and the new 2013 delegates through ongoing professional development and networking opportunities.
Some of the feedback:
"I have valued the experience I had in Scotland and honestly do believe it has changed my mindset and approach not only to education of the littler people in the school but also how a school needs to be presented - not a pristine parkland but somewhere that challenges, motivates and invigorates the will and desire to learning and become involved." - Peter Martin
"Thanks to all of you for sharing your journey so far - it was inspiring to hear what you have all been doing and to hear from Claire yet again. What a lady! ... I would also like to thank the AISWA team for their vision in making this happen. I love the fact that you have stayed with this project and that the enthusiasm appears to be growing." - Janine Taylor
"The PL with Claire on Monday had an amazing impact on my teaching staff. Yesterday was the first chance I had to sit with the teacher and ask her how she felt about the PL with Claire. Her response: 'I need to get those kids out into the bush. When can I start?' It was a real joy moment." - Rhonda Belson